

Dreamtime at International Rural Tourism Congress

The International  Rural Tourism Congress was the largest scientific and professional tourist gathering in Supetar in the last 20 years, an event that we are extremely proud of. Tourist Board of the City of Supetar was a proud and excellent host and co-organizer. We attended lots of lectures, panel discussions, presentations so we can provide remarkable events and weddings in the rural area of Croatia.

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Corporate event

In Dubrovnik, from June 19th till June 24th 2017, the 10th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics and Mayo Clinic Lectures in Individualized Medicine was held.It was a big thing for our country and for our agency. You wonder why? First of all you know it’s a big thing when you are welcoming 5 Nobel prize winners to your country, and second – it sure is when we’ve organized their business gathering in Split, on Prokurative.It wasn’t easy, we had to handle more than 150 people – but we did it. They had a blast! They loved the ambient, the city and all the delicious food and wines we’ve offered them with.The most important thing of them all is that we’ve made friendships there for a lifetime.So, thank you all for filling our hearts with warmth and our minds with pride.

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